A mindful market place where you can shop with intention.
We have curated the world's largest selection of black products that will help you connect with your truth, find your balance, and embrace your full power.

Featured collection
More than just bling, our collection of jewelry has been purposefully selected to protect and ground you.

Black Obsidian
Around since pre-historic times, black obsidian is a protective and energy clearing stone that can be used to ground and shield you from negativity. Learn how to use it for your highest good and protection.
Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is one of the most powerful stones for protection and grounding. This incredible stone has been used for centuries to shield against negative energy and electromagnetic fields. Learn how to harness its protective properties for your well-being and spiritual growth.
10 Things (Other Than Fingerprints) That are Unique to Each of Us
The time is now for you to walk the walk that only you can walk. To see the world in a way that you can see it. Why? Because even if someone walks a day in your shoes and looks at things the way you do, they still can’t have the same experience that you can. Let us show you why.